Many times I read in ex-Muslim atheist blogs, the reason they became atheists was because they thought that the teachings of Islam does not make sense.
They are usually 3rd or 4th degree Muslims living in non-Muslim countries. Most are from middle class Muslim
families and are typically characterised by having busy parents. Where they live, “proper” Islamic educations are either seriously lacking, or they just had no access to it.
Ever since they were small, they practiced Islamic teachings by merely following what their parents and grand parents did… oblivious to the relevance behind each divine act..For them, the practice of Islam such as fasting during Ramadhan is just some kind of long family tradition that has no value what so ever other than to please family members. They do not identify themselves with Islamic values nor virtues.
It broke my heart when I watched Oprah last year. A Muslim doctor from Dubai brought the audience into her grand house trying to tell the world “This is how we in Dubai live”… Despite the various things that they could possibly chat about in the space of 5 minutes, Oprah asked “I notice that you are not wearing the Burka as do your mom and grand mom. Is it not customary to wear the burka in Dubai?” Cordially she answered “No. Wearing the burka or the head scarfs are only traditions. We only wear them when we are older.” Considering how influential the Oprah Winfrey Show is, the doctor’s cordial answer to a very critical question was taken as the truth, when we all knew that what she said was wrong!
This is the basic to the development of dysfunctional Muslim families. First the mom & dad are not sure on how to differentiate between compulsory Islamic teachings and family traditions. Next due to general ignorance, their children will grow up having no idea why there is Burka on the first place. And before long, their grand children will write blogs about why they think Islam is ridiculous and that the practice of Islam does not make sense anymore.
That is why I quoted:
“I did not come into contact with any Muslim before I embraced Islam. I read the Qur'an first and realized no person is perfect, Islam is perfect, and if we imitate the conduct of the Holy Prophet... we will be successful” Cat Stevens
And for Non- Muslims, do not judge Islam just from the way Muslims act. Muslims are only human with human feelings, obsessions, ambitions and needs. What ever stupidity we display it only define who we are as a person… not our religion.
And with that, I rest my case.
Wabillahitaufik walhidayah. Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
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