Hi everyone, I have found several hadiths that indicate Muslims are allowed to attend non-Muslims funeral. If only I did this research 4 years ago.
1. ‘Ali b. Abi Tālib r.a came to the Prophet s.a.w and said, “Your uncle, the misguided one, has died.” “Go and bury him,” replied the Prophet. (al-Nasā’i, 190).
In the version in the Musannaf, Ibn Abi Shaybah’s narration adds that after ‘Ali did that, the Prophet s.a.w made a great du‘ā for him and then told him to make ghusl due to the mud and dirt that had accrued. (3/228 )
2.there was also documentation about the companions of the Prophet s.a.w that attended the funeral of the Christian Umm al-Hārith b. Abi Rabī‘ah. (ibid, 3/228 )
3. The Prophet s.a.w was also given permission to visit his mother’s grave (who is a non-Muslim). (Sahih Muslim)
4. Abu Wā’il narrated that he told ‘Umar (radhy Allāhu ‘anhu) that his mother, a Christian, had passed away, who then replied, “Get on your ride and stay in front of her (funeral procession)” (8, Musannaf, 3/228 )
It is not permissible for us to partake in the religious service itself as there will be prayers during the service that were are not allowed to join in. What we can do is to offer condolences to the family, and may also take part in their procession to the Crematorium (if they are doing so). We do however need to be careful to avoid the act of cremating itself as this is a prohibited in Islam.
In the funeral hall, stay at the back of the hall to let the family knows that we are there and are paying your last respect. All we have to do is to avoid joining the prayers and final blessings for the person who just passed.
Finally, as Muslims, we must remember that everything we do must be in line with the spirit of Shari’ah, a system that respects the dead of all nations that was brought by a Prophet who was sent as a mercy to all humankind.
By the way,if I was attending Micheal Jackson's funeral, I will be on the front row instead. Because Micheal Jackson on the other hand, is a Muslim. Just like his older brother. May peace be with you.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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