Sunday, August 15, 2010

My midnight routine

Recently I took up teaching. This is completely not part of my PhD requirement, but as a future Lecturer with no teaching background whatsoever, this is a good work experience for me. I gather, if I could teach 2nd and 3rd year pre-med students in UWA, teaching 1st and 2nd year UM Medical & Dental students won’t be too difficult. Besides, it is a good deviation from my usual research stuff and I can also gain “teaching” confidence from it.

I should say that it is not easy to teach. mainly because I need to be extra organized with my time. teaching requires a lot of prep works… and prep works can be a bit of a hassle especially when you realized that you haven’t been revising the topics that you need to teach for quite a while… since you are the teacher, you need to be extra knowledgeable than your student, so like it or not, prep works do include loads of readings, understandings and memorizing stuffs. Now, because my subject also includes loads of gross anatomy and histology works, so that means I also have to revise my anatomy & histology skills… but they are quite easy, Alhamdulillah..  

UWA, provides web learning.. meaning that each and every student can access lecture, lab and revision materials online.. even past year papers are available online. it’s kind of cool really because students no longer have to carry text books everywhere. I come to think that my “student” years are quite pre-historic and old. I wonder if we could implement the same thing in the universities in Malaysia..(if we have the money of course…)
So ever since I took up teaching, my midnight routine has involve studying materials for next week/tomorrow’s class.. preparation usually takes few hours but at times it could take up the whole night.

So students out there, do you think you alone have to study? guess what, we lecturers have to double the effort at studying than you. . . so appreciate your lecturers and do not skip classes.


  1. betul, jangan skip kelas dan jgn suruh kawan tandakan attenden...

  2. wah suruh kawan tandakan attendance yer..nak kene cubit nie.. bagitau org ptptn karang..suh potong duit belanja tue..hik3..


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