I don't have one
I have many
I don't remember if I've fulfilled my last year's
But I do know that I have lived the last year well

I don't know if I can call myself successful
But I know I have made good choices that I'm satisfied to live with

I can't say that I'm fully content with my life now
Coz I always know that there are still so many rooms for improvement still..
I don't have to declare my resolutions here or anywhere..
But i do have to promise that I will work hard to get what I want and what i think I deserve for the year ahead.
2009 had been wonderful with strengthen family ties,

Had been joyful with new found friendships,

Had been meaningful with unspoken true love,

Had seen tears with the passing of a close relative..
But most of all 2009 had been well lived [pull stop]
I welcome you, the year 2010.
Another birthday and annyversary, InsyaAllah
Another international scientific presentation, InsyaAllah
The same but a brand new version of ME, ameen.

:: our shadows- they also miss each other.. Hope to see you again in 2010 ::
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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