Saturday, May 15, 2010

"Deep Play precedes Deep Work."

-Matt Weinstein

foodie Aaaaahhhh….the pleasure of adding bits of fun to these thick chapters of my life. i like my friendship with this girl Suhaili. she helps me to loosen up a little bit. i knew her back then in September through believe it or not….facebook... she was coming to Perth to do her PhD in pharmacy. few months later, we met in person and became close friends. that’s what happen when  you meet good people. you become close to them instantly.

after having fun with my ratties this morning, i helped my husband with the laundry then went straight home to organize new telephone, internet, electricity and gas connection to the new house we are moving into on Monday. Suhaili sent me a message about a Malaysian food festival we have discussed about on Friday. “are you going?” she asked..I desperately need to go to that food festival. not for the fun of eating but just to go somewhere where there is no people bidding for houses, no rats needed to be weighted and looked after and just to have fun with a friend.

and i did just that. i had fun laughing as we reached there discovering that all of the food were sold out. i had fun taking pictures while at the same time get my pictures taken too and i enjoyed my self with the conversations.


double decker

so Suhaili brought us to a Malay restaurant instead,

INSAN’S CAFE nama diberi where  i actually had fun eating..=^.^=



caught in the act..ahakz.. =^.^=



nasi goreng ayam

so today was enjoyable i must say.. may be something i should have done at a more frequent intervals (smile). so we walked back to my car and I got excited to see the tram running up and down the road


until i forgot to cross the road.. because we were so involved with conversations..

but no gossiping there, ok..hehe.



and across the road, our car was waiting for us.

there is so much more to life than just work, study and the mounting responsibilities that come with them.. but often times we forget that..

"There is no duty we so much underrate as the duty of being happy."

Robert Louis Stevenson

Well said there Mr Stevenson.. =^.^=

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