When I first came to learn about Perth, I easily concluded that Perth is so much similar to KL. The multicultural & multilingual community are strikingly similar. And because of the weather, our clothing are also similar but most interestingly, the food are almost identical. I could easily order “nasi goreng” or “mee goreng” without having to translate them to English. Food wise, Malay terms are used extensively here.
I love looking at old people. They represent a whole different generation where the
way people talk, dress and think was so much different. Sometimes I let myself wonder how they might have looked like at the prime of their age. The women might be wearing floral printed dress with a brown leather belt . Their blond hair curled in an up do, sprayed intact. And with a pair of white gloves and matching peep toed stilettoes, they would have charmed just about any men who looked their way. It was an entire different era all together.
When we look back at how much the technology and knowledge had progressed since then, their world seemed totally irrelevant and out dated to us. It’s just impossible to imagine that once, there was a time when music are either performed live or comes in a HUGE, bigger than your dinner plate, called records. Televisions have four legs and are shaped like small cabinets with actual doors that you can close when they are not in used…and computers, well they are only something that the NASA could afford. To most people, was a much simpler time.
But theirs were also the time when people actually landed on the moon for the first time in world history. Theirs were the time when small pox was completely eradicated from the face of the world and theirs were also the time when the structure of the DNA was first discovered. In fact, without all those knowledge contributed by the generations before us, this iPad that I am currently holding in my hand, would never have existed.
This made me wonder. Evidently, I live in the time of today. They are billions of people who had lived and died before me. Just because they lived in the past, does it mean that their lives were so much simpler than ours? With no stress and no responsibility? Just because they died a million years ago, does it mean their lives were insignificant? And… just because during their time, making pots and pans out of clay is called technology, does it mean that they know less than us?
This makes me wonder. What would happen to the “Old Human” then. “Old Human” like you and me. Old Human like Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, Prophet Jesus A.S, Prophet David A.S & Prophet Abraham A.S. Old Human like Neil Armstrong, Yuri Gagarin, Elvis Presley, Abraham Lincoln, Plato, Issac Newton, Einstein and Avicenna? Will the moon landing story be told to the “new human species” as tall tale? Will our inventions; the aeroplanes, the satellites, and the internet alike be none other than a small chapter in the “New Human” history books? All these questions seem absurd but is possible in fact inevitable, in the bible of the evolutionists. It is as though once an individual went past his/her ability to procreate, he or she is of no use “evolution wise” anymore. And if anyone dies before they reach reproductive age, well… that’s just nature’s way of telling that you are genetically rubbish and are incompetent to cope with the demands of the “current environment”. In other words, they are totally a group of genetic scraps.
To our country front liners, young gentlemen who volunteered to fight for our nation, and died while they are at it…serves them right because they are all genetic scraps.
To everyone barbarically slayed in genocide attempts in German, Bosnia, Iraq, and Poland...serves them right too because they are… like many other people who died before them, none other than useless genetic scraps.
If not, no “superior more elite human” would hunt them. That’s of nobody’s fault. That whole war crimes were just natural selection(?)
Truthfully, I pity anybody who still hold to that kind of belief. In fact, it is an ultimate insult to their entire existence, if you or anybody would still think that.
For all we know, it’s their deaths that lead to the rapidly increasing research that finally contained the plague. And it’s no doubt due to the sacrifices of our front liners that allows us to live “safely” in our house today. And you want to think that you are better than them? Shame on you.
Religion and culture beliefs aside, surely, you would agree that everyday, each individual human adds to the wealth of knowledge that we now have. Surely even those old people I see, walking in the park everyday, holding each other’s hands still do contribute to this world in their own special way. Showing love, sharing wisdom… whatever it is that old people do. Even Australia’s cooking legend Margaret Fulton, is still producing new enchanting recipes and endorsing kitchen products despite her age.
Because there is so much more to life than just to procreate. Because a barren woman can still be an “elite”; knowledge-wise, because life is more than just to live in the moments, and because it is our believe system that shape us to be the “socially advanced” creatures of the planet, I therefore have to say that it is foolish to think that we are here because we are the better species.
We are more than just another species. We are humans. Animals live to procreate, my lab rats live to procreate, but we humans do more than that. so much more. In fact, it is an insult to our intelligence to think of it differently.
Hi just passing by...
ReplyDeleteSteve: "I found it difficult to follow so I’ll apologise in advance if I have misread parts" You've got a belief man. Belief is faith and faith is religion. Keep it up. Find your religion.
P/S: The moment you said "for us atheists", you got a belief mate. You believed you are an atheist. Sorry, it already off the topic but it was mentioned above. Cheers