Monday, September 13, 2010

Saying goodbye is the hardest thing

Ramadhan finally said it’s goodbye for the year 2010. The never ending search of laylat ul qadr had brought me to a realisation that I can’t wait to meet with this holy month again, next year and the years to come. It was a very fulfilling month. started off with my friend showing me the remarkable “Allah” inscription on her forearm, that I unmistakenly took as a sign from Allah. It was after all is indeed a “sign”. Few days later, Ramadhan came to visit all of us again, like a promise kept unfailingly, except that it was one day late than the ones in Malaysia. I never thought I’d feel greatly disappointed by the delay, but I did. =)

all of us was gearing up as the holy month approaching, as do I.. but as the month progressed from it’s first 10 days to the next, spirits ran lower, enthusiasms faded like a bonfire running out of log… I promised my self that I will not, and for ten consecutive days, I managed to stay up late and do what other Muslims had to do, devote themselves to self improvement by reciting the holy verses and pray till dawn. whether I had the luxury to meet with laylat ul qadr, I honestly don’t know… All I hope was that I didn’t miss it. I wished for so many lovely things and repent for all of my previous sins. and what I’d love to assume was a gift from Allah; was the chance I got to explain about Islam to my two dear Australian friends. Oh, Allah, I hope I had one a decent job, please guide me more in the future, for I do love to perform da’wah for you, Lillahi ta’ala..

We are now in the celebration month of Shawwal. I pledge that I shall keep this new habit I developed during Ramadhan into the following months and therefore, I shall. Hidayah is like that bon fire, you’d have to keep it alive by fuelling it constantly, and what other fuel would be better for this other than istiqamah (persistency)?

It’s now Shawwal, a month of celebration, but I am very much in low mood because it’s that time of the year again when you realize that you have to say a good bye to Ramadhan. I hope I had an enriching Ramadhan and I hope for more positive experiences next year and in the years to come. Good bye Ramadhan and welcome, Shawwal.

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