Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thursday blues

I am currently clearing up my home office, emptying my cheap ikea wire mesh drawer, arranging important documents into the Thai Pan rice cracker box that my husband foraged from Broadway Fair shopping centre but my mind was sidetracked. Instead of thinking about this move, I was swayed into thinking about my practice presentation next week, my collected samples that desperately need to be RNA extracted and my heart... Oh my heart yearns to find just that quiet place where I could be alone by myself and write and write and write to my heart's content.

A place where the only sounds you'd hear are of the keyboards tapping, heavy rains pouring onto the roof, and the deafening voice of my thoughts, making sense of this research and forming links between these 3 distinct ideas that I now called my PhD.

I am tired from a day's work. I am tired from the packing and cleaning that seemed to have taken over my life and I am mostly just physically tired from my 2 am collection yesterday. Truth is, I haven't had enough sleep since then and I reaaly don't know if I would ever get to compensate for it this weekend.

So here I am quitely telling myself to be strong,Intan. Allah doesn't like a whinger. It is not like I am tired because of 28 years of laborious work, it's not like I am tired because of malnutrition or war famine... I am tired because it so happen that everything that I love to do ( research, teaching, moving to a much cheaper house and reforming PhD support group) happen in the same week. It is in fact without a doubt a wonderful week all and all... But i am whinging about tiredness? Astaghfirullah... Forgive my insensitivity oh Allah. I hope to be a more grateful servant in the future,InsyaAllah.

- Intan Zulkafli is using BlogPress from her iPad

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