Monday, July 19, 2010

“Although I do not have to say it out loud as He listens even before I speak, I still want to say Thank you, Allah… for all your blessings. You have made today an extraordinary day for me. I am healthy, I am happy, I have a loving husband by my side, you have resolved all my conflicts for me, you have fed and cleaned and clothed me so that I am decent, Words fail me oh Allah, I thank you with all my heart…”

Every night before we retire to sleep, I think we owe it to ourselves to ponder about how the rest of the day went. It helps putting things into perspective… and hopefully also helps to make us become a better person. Was I a better wife than yesterday? what did I do right today? Did I remember to say thanks every time someone did me a favour? Did I lend a helping hand to someone else in need? How good a Muslim am I today from yesterday?


Well surely there are so many questions we’d ask ourselves… but the most important of all (i think) is have we shown any gratitude to the Almighty for that one more special day?… Another day that gave us the chance to tell our loved ones how much we love them, another day to enjoy working the job that we love, another day to savour those pretty faces of the precious lil ones, another day to experience the company of a husband or the chatter of a good friend, another day to do good deeds and collect as many pahala as possible and another day to just simply be ourselves… because for all we know, today might be someone’s last day..last day at school, last day in the office, last day as a daughter, and last day as a best friend… and you know what they said, it’s the last day that matters, for that’s the one carved in the memories for the rest of our lives… let those memories be the pretty ones.


Life is a one way train ride. there is no turning back, No picking up all those moments that have already past and no catching up with the fleeting moments that are passing… If we do not make any effort to pause and look back to how well have we spent our day, by tomorrow we might be too late.


Although I do not have to say it out loud as He listens even before I speak, I still want to say Thank you, Allah… for all your blessings. You have made today an extraordinary day for me. I am healthy, I am happy, I have a loving husband by my side, you have resolved all my conflicts for me, you have fed and cleaned and clothed me so that I am decent, Words fail me oh Allah, I thank you with all my heart.




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Truly, I am blessed and hopefully you will feel the same too.


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