It all began with this ginormous xmas tree. Located in the lobby of Perth International Airport. It was 11:30am, we were towing 55 kg of bags piled on a 14 kg more worth of hand luggages ( may be even more..shhhh) waiting for the clock to strike 2:45pm so that we could check in. 
I haven't done this in at least 2 years. I am incredibly busy and not going back to Malaysia might just be a better option for me, but I unexpectantly went against my better judgement and decided to go back, regardless the circumstances. I could give all the plausible reasons for this decision. But my real intention is only one. I am afraid that non stop research is damaging me. I saw how I internally starting to loathe the constant deadlines, the lack of sleep, the prying eyes, but most of all, I could no longer withstand my internal pressure to be perfect. My perfectionism was bringing me down... Not work wise but health wise. Though my head says stay. I made the decision to listen to my go home.
Before I went home I made sure that samples are well kept, all Dexa scans were done! All collections were done! And that all i need after i return back from this long holiday is to get loads of liquid nitrogen and go crazy with RNA extractions. I know.. It sounds fun but in real life, not so much. Long holiday? How long? Yup... A crazy 5 week long.... And all i want from this long holiday is in fact, to finisb writing a paper.. Now, where should i start?
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