Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Obesity as an infective disease and how we girls can eradicate it

my statement of obesity being an infective disease goes well against my knowledge as a medical doctor and as a scientist. but personally i do think that it is. i am not going to elaborate on the hard facts, why don't we just examine our own families.

in any average obese family, often times in the beginning someone started to gain weight first.. and usually it will be the mom. pregnancy weight gain is one of the most rapid and probably the hardest one to combat out of all the other forms of weight gain (except weight gain due to medical conditions of course)..and i do believe that it can also be very depressing (which adds up to why it being hard to combat). but as moms, Imagine, that some kids have never seen their momma not fat. Their one and only mom, their role model has always been at least a BMI of 30.

i bet that 50 years ago, when a person weighing 150 kg walked around the city, everyone could not have resisted but to stare. it is so uncommon to find anyone in the overweight category, let alone obese.. but today, you see them every where, everyday. even some actors and actresses are large... and they don't even look awkward to our eyes. This sense of familiarity made us feel comfortable seeing with an obese individual and worst, being one.this, my friend,i believe is the very reason why i say obesity is an infective laugh, only more deadly.

i know, "Large" is only a size. but it comes with a big price tag. bigger clothes, more foods, more fuel consumptions and extensive medical bills... all of the known side effects of being the size which is above average. and who is there to blame?

children grew up looking at us, moms being fat... they developed a sense of familiarity with the size and didn't mind being one. husbands saw us let go of our figures, saw that we started to overlook all those extra cheese in the takeaways and deliveries, he also began to let him self go. Our little families started to enjoy more of the comfort in the food, and less of what life may have to offer. the emotional attachment started to develop with food and sooner or later, the emotional dependence.

like an old saying, when small is a friend, when big is a foe.
Food, when adequate in enriching, but when abundant, kills.

But in my limited experience of being a young doctor I have also seen women, girls, working moms, stay at home moms, moms of country clubs or even moms of book clubs that managed to turn their lives around simply by realizing the bad relationship they have with food. These courageous women, overcome their emotional dependence on food, and the inertia at the starting line to take their first steps toward preparing healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner... They also incorporate long walks on the beach or regular hikings as part of their weekend family times, not only do they change their lives, but also the lives of the people in their families..

come on lovely ladies, let's quickly realize our role that might have helped to spread the obesity epidemic and once and for all USE THAT ROLE TO TURN IT ALL AROUND.
if you are the one responsible to put dinner on the table, than you are in a way responsible to make your child fat. and since you are the one responsible to determine what food they eat today, why not MAKE TODAY A HEALTHY FOOD DAY, every day.

it is so hard to be on a weight loss journey alone, with the sole aim of "to lose 20 lbs for the wedding", instead, it would be so much easier..and not to mention much healthier if we are doing this as a mission to change everything that is wrong in our families when it comes to food. i hope by the end of the day, we can finally ditch that BAD GENES was just plain old obesity and we eradicated it from our families..

keep fighting lovelies

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